Wow. At their recent annual meeting, Georgia Southern Baptist passed an anti-blogging resolution. Read the resolution's text and one blogger's reaction (along with additional reactions in the comments section).
I know at least one United Methodist General Conference delegation has set up a blog for its own dialogue between meetings, so I don't really see a ban heading in our direction, but still, it's worth thinking about in relation to our own context. Some have pointed out that the resolution seems to be aimed unfairly at blogging -- a great many avenues for leveling personal attacks existed before blogs, and still do.
Concerning the UMC, the folks over at the Methoblog generally encourage and maintain a respectful environment, which I expect will continue.
(Hat tips to John the Methodist and Reverend Mommy)
I think that's because we have a tighter connection. There are real consequences for verbally attacking other bloggers in the UMC. Well, I guess that there would be. That's a hypothesis that hasn't been tested.
Posted by: John | November 26, 2007 at 04:31 PM
i would agree with john. our connection runs deep, long before the methoblog ever got started.
i commented on some sbc bloggers reaction by suggesting they start a twitter thread. now that could get out of hand. better watch what you ban, a new thing is around the corner. &:~)
Posted by: gavin | November 26, 2007 at 05:19 PM